William Henry True, III, is my earthly father. After his death, I received a children’s book explaining what happens when we die. It was signed in my mother’s handwriting. She signed it: from your Heavenly Father and your father in heaven. I was 11 years old.
As I’ve entered my Jubilee + 7th year, I have countless stories I could share. I could possibly prick your heart with my woes of wandering, wantonness, and wickedness. I could also regale you with testimonies to The Most High God’s faithfulness, provision, and protection. I have found this to be true: ABBA is the PERFECT Father. I know this because He disciplines me.
The Most High God didn’t become ABBA to me until I went through my own Gethsemane, a time when, in my mind, I was completely alone. But God was there. He’s always been there, in the unseen realm. I’ve never been invisible to Him. There’s no “outta sight outta mind” with God Almighty. Thank You, GOD!
Call it spiritual warfare, call it what you will, this world’s vocabulary, redefining terms, like everything else in this “age of deception” in which we live, exhausts. Every lie has an element of character assassination towards The Most High God. In every attempt of the wickedness realm, the deceiver has plotted to keep God hidden and destroy humankind. He’s attempted to keep himself hidden too.
There is a day of vengeance coming. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. But God is not man that he should lie. (Numbers 23:19) Several times in Ezekiel the scene recorded ends with these beautiful words, “… and they shall know that I am the LORD.”
ABBA knows the fate of humankind. He is eternal. He created time, matter, and space. He created the cosmos. Adam and Eve, the first of humankind, were made in the image of God. They fellowshipped together with the Triune God, sans barriers.
Wickedness entered humankind at that first sin. Wickedness, I’ve come to characterize as the goat nature. We’ve all got it; but have we all overcome it? It’s from the lower realm; the fallen connive here. Rebellious, out of control, insatiable, debased, reprobate minds don’t think there. If you’ve been wondering about the insanity of our world, I believe this is your answer.
Alternatively, we also inherited the sheep nature, which needs a Shepherd. In Psalm 23, David reminds us that the Lord is MY Shepherd. Every need He supplies. Jesus Christ currently sits on King David’s throne. Who’s sitting on the throne of my heart? Your heart? Which nature controls? Who is ‘his lord’ in the parable of the talents?
Jesus called His disciples, some fishermen, and taught them how to be fishers of men. Contrarily, the demonic realm pursues humankind as phishers of men. A counterfeit through and through, there is NOTHING original with the enemy. John 10:10 displays this theme. The first one pushes, steels, yells, accuses, grumbles, complains, perpetually frustrates and is perpetually frustrated, is care-less; the second One offers a choice with a promise of life, abundant life.
Look at Matthew 25 and the talent parable for example. Notice Who’s sowing the talent. Then notice the characteristics of the “his lord” of each of the talent recipients. Psalm 19 taught me about secret sins and presumptuous thoughts. That single-talent-sown-by-God servant’s master is not God Almighty, its the enemy! LOOK at his words in verses 24-26! The enemy of God knows His character. This servant learned God’s character from the BULLY! THE THIEF! The father of LIES!
Am I done? Are you done? being bullied, threatened, controlled, lied to, complacent, lazy, cowardly? I certainly hope so! Do I really want to spend eternity weeping and gnashing my teeth in outer darkness? Perpetually feeling fire and worms that never consume? NO I DON’T! DO YOU? That roaring lion has no teeth, no power. STOP listening to, believing in, or giving him ANYTHING! REPENT!
LORD, Please don’t let me or anyone in HUMANKIND remain deceived! LOOSE the FEAR of the LORD upon us; not the fear of man or that toothless, de-feet-ed foe. Truly the deceiver is already under the Christ-follower’s feet. Church, let’s wake up, grow up, and become what we already are. Let us, in unity, do what Christ called us to do which is to display the manifold wisdom of God to the spirit realm!
Merciful and Just describe ABBA, LOVE! HE’S the COVENANT MAKER AND PROMISE KEEPER. His Only Begotten son, Jesus Christ, is the COVENANT KEEPER. REACH YOUR REACH with this message ABBA. Holy Spirit guide us; bring us ALL HOME!
I am Laura, Victorious One, testifying to you, HUMANKIND. The Most High God exists. He is real. He is LOVE, pure, unadulterated LOVE. He is JUST too, not to be trifled with, nor made in our image. He made humankind in His image, not the other way around. NOR ARE WE TO USE HIS NAME IN VAIN!
Jesus the Christ, the only BEGOTTEN SON of God, made a way for ABBA to adopt me and you into His eternal family. This ONLY Way is through Calvary or the Cross. Christ became sin for me and I received His righteousness in return. Now I am found in Him. And this is eternal life, to believe in the One whom He has sent. ABBA sent Jesus the Christ. REPENT of your sins. Believe in Him and live eternally with the Triune God. The same power that ABBA used to resurrect Jesus Christ from the dead, He instilled in the Christ-follower. In Ephesians 1 Paul testifies to this FACT.
Don’t you know the enemy wants you ignorant of this powerful FACT? We overcome the enemy by the BLOOD of the LAMB OF GOD, the WORD of our TESTIMONY, and we don’t value our lives unto death. Revelation 12:11 states this FACT. Psalm 139 is another great place to camp out in Scripture to learn who you REALLY ARE, or REALLY COULD BE. The spirit realm will be full of fear and full of wonder and will marvel at you and me, WHEN we live in our inheritance as sons and daughters of the Most High God.
Speaking of inheritance, Christ gives us His; He gets ours, our time, talent, and tithe. You receive at least one gift for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Discover what it is and use it in service of the King of Kings. You are needed in the body of Christ. Your talent, functioning properly, God uses and makes the body whole.
Christ-followers, let’s be about ABBA’s heart, which is bringing the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God to the ones who’ve not yet heard, discipling believers, enforcing Christ’s Victory, encouraging the saints, and occupying until Christ returns.
I’ve been thinking like a child, wanting ALL to come HOME. I know how deceived I was and am at times. But GOD made us with free will. There is eternity before each one of us. The choice God gives is eternity with or eternity without — HIM. Consider your latter end. Where will you spend eternity? Today is the day of salvation. Eternal life starts when we believe. Tomorrow never comes.
Father forgive my delay in posting this Tribute to You. You in Your Sovereignty will redeem the time. And Reader, LORD willing, I’ll meet you at HOME!