Laura Hamo's blog


William Henry True, III, is my earthly father. After his death, I received a children’s book explaining what happens when we die. It was signed in my mother’s handwriting. She signed it: from your Heavenly Father and your father in heaven. I was 11 years old.

A Prayer for First Responders

I praise You, Most Great God, high above all other gods. I praise You that You are Sovereignly on Your Throne. In your Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence You faithfully watch over these First Responders in every situation.

Distractions! Distractions! Everywhere!

How do you expect me to sit there?

I look around all the time

So many interesting sights and sounds.

The papers on my desk are silent.



I leave reality.

Sometimes, I’m so far away

I don’t hear anything going on in the class.

Only by a start or a shout

Am I brought back to class.

Others embarrass me as they laugh.

Other places I want to be,

Than working on what’s in front of me.

Reading took forever

Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. Boy am I glad our nation has one.

Today I spent some time praying and weeding in the backyard.

Bamboo shoots were starting to pop up! 

Bermuda grass in the "woodchip areas" is bad enough, but now bamboo?! Have I sown the wind and am now reaping the whirlwind?

The Bamboo tops pull off real easy, but the roots remain.

I have before me some serious digging to get this "invasive" plant under control.

"Nip it Andy, Nip it in the bud!" great words from Barney Fife. 

I have repented of my personal pride.

Matthew 25:31-46 tells of a gathering of all nations.

Sheep on the right; goats on the left.

The Sheep are humans!!!! HUMANS ARE A NATION!!!

DOWN-casting of system, this is what happened when Lucifer was cast out of heaven to earth, the same character who deceived HUMANS in the Garden of Eden, thus we all inherited the SINFUL NATURE. JESUS CHRIST became HUMAN, remaining GOD, to REDEEM HUMANS from this duality of 'sheep/goat'-nature. 

I asked the Lord to help me explain what is going on in current events. In my request I said, "You've already written the Letter!" 

His response was, "Play the game with me."

Psalm 94

Psalm 82

Psalm 16

Proverbs 3:5-6

John 17

Psalm 32

Ephesians 6:10-20

1 Corinthians 13

Psalm 19

Revelation 20

Revelation 21

Revelation 19

Genesis 1:1 (note the singular noun, heaven)

Isaiah 6

Deuteronomy 32 (note the plural noun, heavens)

Abrahamic Covenant

All Nations


ABBA's Assurance and Invitation, a word from His perspective. I, Laura, quieted my soul, listened to His still, small voice in my core, spoke aloud what I heard, recorded my words on my phone, and transcribed the recording here. His voice, calm and kind, comes through Holy Spirit. We are called to worship God in spirit and in truth. Here's what I heard Him say:

There is coming a day of vengeance, says the Lord. A day where My wrath will be poured out on all the earth, and under the earth, and above the earth. (Deut. 32:1-44)

The wonderful thing about Scripture is every time we read it, we can see something new. We will never get to the end of it, for it is a living book.

In reading Mark 14 this morning I noticed someone, a certain young man.  The passage that I want to highlight is verses 50-52. The scene is Jesus' betrayal in the garden of Gesthemene where Judas has betrayed him with a kiss. The guards have taken Jesus and all who followed him forsook him and fled. 

I remember.

I remember the lights.



Shining through the lowered window shade

At night.


No siren.

I heard

Through the wall

My top bunk

His queen-sized headboard

Separated only by the wall.

I remember his breathing,

A repetitive pain,

In sync

With the rhythm

Of his heartbeat.

His breathing shallow.

I remember his sound

An enduring-through-suffering expression.

No complaint.

No “why me?”

No words.


I used to do nice things to get affirmation but that drained others because they didn’t have supply to give. We can’t get water from a leaky sieve. The world uses the term narcissistic, covert and overt; but God’s term is selfishness. We each go our own way. 

God’s taught me He’s the Source of my needs; To Him I must turn and He’ll supply everything for me. Only from Him will I get all I biblically need, then I’ll have supply to minister to others He’s called me to meet.

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